Blog & stories

Hiking and cycling nodes on the map

Hiking and cycling nodes on the map

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This Was Our Very First Wolf Maps Event

This Was Our Very First Wolf Maps Event

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We handle the technology, you enjoy the freedom

We handle the technology, you enjoy the freedom

Technical tools still focus too much on technology, the building, the walls, and the architecture. Fun for the tech geeks among us, but it’s far more fascinating to zoom in on the choices we make to create an unforgettable experience with (and through) our interactive map. In this blog, we take you through the technical language and applications of Wolf Maps, so you know exactly what to expect from your map now and in the future.

Door Aljan Scholtens op 9 October 2024

How to become a map maker (Part 2)

How to become a map maker (Part 2)

After covering the basics of creating your interactive map, in this blog we dive deeper into the advanced features that will take your map to the next level. With these technical features, you build a high-quality marketing tool that also offers the best user-friendliness. Discover the boundless possibilities.

Door Aljan Scholtens op 16 July 2024

A map maker, how do you become one? (Part 1)

A map maker, how do you become one? (Part 1)

A real map maker, how do you become one? It may seem harder than it is. We developed Wolf Maps so that anyone can create a rock-solid interactive map. We also love using our interactive maps ourselves! For example, Aljan completed a multi-day hike using Wolf Maps. And now we’re sharing his experience with you in this blog.

Door Aljan Scholtens op 20 June 2024

The future is here; our first cases with the Open Data Platform Plaece

The future is here; our first cases with the Open Data Platform Plaece

Integrations enrich maps. We demonstrate this with our latest integration with Plaece – formerly known as the Open Data Platform – from Insiders. With this integration you can fill your map super fast with existing locations, content, and routes at the click of a button. In this blog, we share the first success stories in collaboration with municipalities and foundations in Drenthe – along with all the benefits of this integration.

Door Aljan Scholtens op 11 June 2024

This is why Wolf Maps is not the same as Google My Maps

This is why Wolf Maps is not the same as Google My Maps

Interactive maps can be created in many ways. One of the best-known online maps so far is Google My Maps. It’s no wonder we frequently get questions about the differences between Google and Wolf Maps. Do you choose free or secure? A needle in a haystack or complete focus on your organization or brand? And what makes a widely usable digital map like Wolf Maps successful?

Door Aljan Scholtens op 7 May 2024