are made

Wolf Maps

For over 5,000 years maps have guided us, sparking freedom and discovery. Now, it's time for a better digital map. One that brings you closer to where the real adventure begins: outside.

The next generation digital maps

With Wolf Maps, you craft beautiful digital maps that invite your visitors to explore your world. These maps are easy to create, access, and share.

Offer your visitors stunning routes, engaging podwalks, and captivating videos. They can reach your map via your website, QR codes, embeds, or touch panels. On any device, with no app required.

Effortlessly manage your maps in the studio, customising them to match your style. You can even invite visitors to contribute and connect with other maps, because exploration knows no boundaries.

Tim Sluis Aljan Scholtens

Our Promise: the tool to let your visitors explore

At Wolf Maps, everything revolves around discovery. Not just of the world around us, but also new ways to connect people with remarkable places. Real adventures happen outdoors, and our mission is to make these experiences as accessible and unforgettable as possible.

Years ago, when Aljan was looking for a way to present routes beautifully and simply, he realized that such a tool didn’t exist. Not in the intuitive and attractive way he envisioned.

That’s why we developed Wolf Map, a new generation of digital maps centered around freedom. Freedom to explore, connect, and experience. These values are deeply tied to who we are as human beings.

We want you to use our tool to create stunning maps that bring your world to life. Where your visitors can discover, explore, and experience the best of your environment. This is our goal, and it’s what we stand for.

Tim and Aljan
Founders of Wolf Maps

About us

We build worlds together

Nationaal Park Drentsche Aa

Nationaal Park Drentsche Aa

Ga op reis om de betoverende heidevelden te ontdekken, volg de kronkelende beekjes, dwaal door de uitgestrekte bossen en slenter door pittoreske dorpen. Gebruik deze kaart om het nationale park te verkennen.

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Manon, Groener Groningen

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Carola Poleij
Carola Poleij Oerol

"Oerol, a festival full of theater, music, dance, and storytelling in unique locations in the nature of Terschelling. Navigating through the extensive program and across the island is a challenge. Wolf Maps makes this easier. Tim and Aljan were ready before, during, and after the festival to optimize the user experience. Important detail: the circulation of our printed (bike) map has been drastically reduced thanks to the digital map."

Het Ziltepad

Het Ziltepad

In dit weidse gebied dienen de kerktorens als prachtige bakens, net zoals vroeger voor de scheepvaart. Ook voor ons zijn het bakens van betekenis, in allerlei opzichten. En nu kunnen ze dat ook voor jou zijn. We hebben de deuren alvast voor je opengezet. Het Ziltepad neemt je mee langs ongerepte...

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Valerie, Aa en Hunze

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Plant FWD Week

Plant FWD Week

Any plants for breakfast, lunch or dinner? Discover the best plant forward cuisine in the city of Amsterdam at over 40 participating locations from April 20-27.

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Joris van Veen
Joris van Veen Golazo

"Wolf Maps was used as a guide for both participants and visitors during the NN Marathon Rotterdam 2024. An easy-to-interpret and visually appealing display of various running routes and options to cross the course. Very satisfied with Wolf Maps and the communication!"

Karin Wolfs
Karin Wolfs Marketing Drenthe

"Wolf Maps not only provides a high-quality interactive map but also pays attention to the goals you want to achieve with the map as a customer. They are open and think along with adjustments that enhance the user-friendliness and user experience of your specific target audience(s)."



TopDutch puts the Northern Netherlands on the map. TopDutch is the economic region of the Northern Netherlands, spanning the three provinces at the top of the country: Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe. Naturally leading the transition.

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Sophie Schrier
Sophie Schrier IVN

"Wolf Maps is a user-friendly tool that allows you to create beautiful and clear maps and routes for your visitors. Additionally, you can display extra relevant information around your location on the map. And it also offers excellent supporting service."

Eefje Koning
Eefje Koning Bureau Meerstad

"Bureau Meerstad was looking for a good solution to display activities and facilities in a clear manner. We found this solution with Wolf Maps. The Wolf Maps map is clear, organized, and easy to use. The guidance is pleasant, responses are prompt, and there is collaborative thinking. We are satisfied!"

NN Marathon Rotterdam

NN Marathon Rotterdam

Op 13 en 14 april is de stad gevuld met hardloopliefhebbers tijdens de 43e editie van de NN Marathon Rotterdam. Met deze handige kaart op zak weet je precies waar je heen moet voor het parcours, de hardlooproutes en meer.

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Arnoud Evenhuis
Arnoud Evenhuis Buenaparte

"For one of our clients, we used Wolf Maps to literally put the northern transition businesses on the map. In no time, the foundation was set, we could get to work, and created a campaign where businesses could sign up to be featured on this beautiful map."

Dubbel Drents

Dubbel Drents

Bij Dubbel Drents slaan we de brug tussen jou en eerlijk voedsel. Lokale bakkers, telers en bierbrouwers brengen het beste van Drenthe op je bord. Ontdek de smaak van verbondenheid met onze interactieve kaart vol lokale lekkernijen!

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Logo Provincie Groningen Logo Lentis Logo Golazo Logo Meerstad Logo Marketing Drenthe Logo Merk Fryslan Logo Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Logo Oerol Festival Logo Amsterdam en Partners Logo IVN Natuureducatie Logo gemeente Aa en Hunze Logo Nationaal Park Drentsche Aa Logo Provincie Drenthe Logo Stimenz Logo MaatschapWij Logo Schiedam en Partners

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Creating Routes in Wolf Maps

Creating Routes in Wolf Maps

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Hot off the press: map analytics

Hot off the press: map analytics

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Put your world on the map

Let's create a beautiful map that inspires your visitors to explore the outdoors. No surprises, clear steps, and we're always here to support you.

Ontdekken als kaartmaker met een interactieve kaart