The world needs people like you. Individuals or organizations seeking innovation and creative renewal, aiming to reduce their footprint and, instead, amplify their positive impact. Whether by starting small and local or by taking bold, large-scale action. Less consumption and emissions, or more focus on social and sustainable projects. Let our digital and interactive map help you! But what does our map have in common with a world changer like you?
Wolf Maps is the paperless alternative for clarity and insight, perfectly suited to your purpose – and ours. Do you want to show people which sustainable festivals are being organized? Where you can dine vegan? Or shop vintage? Or perhaps put even more emphasis on a sustainable environment while also making excellent use of your community’s input? A better world begins with Wolf Maps. Are you ready to make a difference together?
We’d rather have everyone walk among the trees than see them cut down. That’s why our maps are completely online. An ideal replacement for paper maps, information booklets, or newspapers.
It’s unfortunate that so many positive places are still hard to find. Even after a round of Googling. Wolf Maps makes unique offerings visible while simultaneously enhancing online discoverability. How about the “Eat Local” map, an initiative by SDG Nederland? A map of the Netherlands entirely focused on local, pesticide-free, and green farmers, gardeners, and food producers.
Taste is subjective, but our map boasts a fresh design and striking elements. There’s also space for your own text, video, and audio clips. This turns something as simple as an interactive map into a visually attractive tool for a great experience and a deeper connection with your audience.
Truly everyone. Even those who aren’t tech-savvy find the map user-friendly. A must, in our opinion.
You can easily make changes to your Wolf Maps on your own, without help from us or an IT person. This not only saves money on updates and maintenance but also gives you complete control over your map. Our interactive map is already there.It’s just up to you to customize, adapt, and maintain it.
You can easily make changes to your Wolf Maps on your own, without help from us or an IT person. This not only saves money on updates and maintenance but also gives you complete control over your map. Our interactive map is already there. It’s just up to you to customize, adapt, and maintain it.
Wolf Maps brings together people, activities, and businesses at a glance. Did you know that visitors can also easily and quickly suggest ideas for your map? Groener Groningen demonstrates just how effective crowdsourcing can be. Create your interactive map together with like-minded individuals, fully focused on your ultimate goal.
Are you creating your first map today? Then you can immediately share it online everywhere. Embed it on your own website, share it via QR codes across various channels and media, on social media, or even standalone on your own (sub)domain. One map to use across all your communication channels. Incredibly efficient!
By enriching an interactive map with visuals and sound, we transform your Wolf Maps into a new communication tool for everyone seeking something more sustainable and social. It is a handy guide that you can quickly use anywhere, while at the same time inspiring more people with your grand dreams and goals. How? Like this: